Love Doves are pure white doves that are also known as Magician Doves, True Doves, Doves of the Bible, and white Ring-necks. These gentle birds make wonderful pets. But before you order your dove, we suggest that you read this book. It will explain everything that you will need to know and answer all of your questions.
This is a condensed version of our original book All About Love Doves. It has just the information that you will need to get started with your Love Doves, feed them, house them, train them and even breed them. There are lots of photos and very detailed descriptions. Take a look at the sample page and index below.
As you enter the World of Love Doves, your life will change just a bit -- for the better because of these wonderful, beautiful winged creatures. The soothing cooing will charm you as you tend to them and watch them, and if you choose to keep and breed them, the awkward babies will transform into elegance personified before your eyes.
The information on these pages is from my 30+ years of experience raising a variety of avian species and my formal training with a Master of Science (MS) degree in ornithology, many books and other sources of written information including many websites, and numerous discussions with devoted Bird People. The photos are all from my own aviaries and when you buy the book, I invite you to call me with any additional questions that you may have.
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